facing setbacks to comeback
I received a call today that rendered a gut-wrenching blow and caused me to step back and assess the question, “What’s next?”
It was a setback to my plans, but I had to be reminded that when we plan God laughs. Irony right? But it is true, because I spent years trying to ensure things went according to MY PLAN and not HIS WILL or PLAN! As I have aged over the years, I have learned to understand that setbacks are setups for a comeback. Did you get that? God’s (no, not right now) is not to be looked upon with doom, but understanding that maybe what it is you desire you are not ready to receive or he is working things out so that you can receive it. I coined the term, “delayed not denied” as a way to remind myself and help others understand that in time, what you desire will come.
These setbacks are not the end of the world even when the world feels like it is crashing down around you in chaos. But you have to center yourself and refocus. Remind yourself that you deserve to acquire all that you wish for and that lies in the hands of the creator to grant those wishes.
I prayed on my situation and decided to let it go, because if I didn’t then my setback would become a fallback (fallback into old mindsets and behavioral patterns not conducive for growth) and showing God that my fear is bigger than my faith. These two stress balls I drew from the punch bowl today were confirmation to the question I asked silently when I received the call that I thought was about to end my world and put me in a place of despair, hurt, anger, and loathing.
I reminded myself to pay attention to my senses and how this news was affecting me in the moment. What I realized was that I was holding my breath. This was the first ball I drew from the punch bowl - take a deep breath. Taking a deep breath helped me to: relax, reduce stress, clear my thoughts, lower my blood pressure, and helped with my levels of anxiety and depression I was feeling.
I have not met too many people who can remain positive all the time, especially when life is overwhelming causing us to spiral out of control. So how does one remain positive, when “that thing” looms over causing anxiety and creating feelings of despair? You do something positive, but initially you own the feelings you have and process through them with a “glass half full” outlook. Being uncertain steals your joy and robs you in the moment to believe that God is working it out and you will be blessed. Think positive - I reminded myself of this today when I drew this ball from the punch bowl to remind me of a song by The Winans featuring Anita Baker - “Ain’t no need to worry what the night is gonna bring, it’ll be all over in the morning”.